Sunday, 13 July 2014

Final Days of Term Three

The final Flag raising ceremony of the term was last Friday.  This marks the formal end of classes for the third term at RVA.  Friday also marked the last Staff/Student Chai break of the term.   Every school day at 10:15 is chapel followed by a chai (tea) break at 10:30.  The students mingle outside the Cafo. with their chai while the staff goes to the Staff Chai room for prayer/praise requests and announcements.   Classes resume at 10:45.

We are now in the midst of Alumni weekend with a host of activities including several athletic contests pitting the alumi against the RVA varsities in basketball, field hockey, volleyball, rugby, and soccer.  The largest class contingent represented the class of 2012, but there are alum from as far back as the 1960's.  Last nite was the Alumni Banquet and today there are several "Tea's scheduled for the various classes.

Tuesday there is a half day of classes with the afternoon devoted to Dorm clean-up.  Wednesday is the official leaving day for students.  Jeff is driving a bus load of students with me as escort that morning to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.  We leave at 5:00 AM.  Thursday is Graduation for the Seniors and Friday is the official start of VAC. (vacation).   Third term is quickly coming to an end.  The time has gone by fast, but has been a lot of fun.  The students were great and the staff is a joy with whom to work.

Construction continues on the Arts building directly across from my classroom door.  Pictured here are the forms for the supports of the building's roof.  The workers are standing on what will be the floor of the third story.  Plans are for the building to be functional by the end of the 1st term or the beginning of the 2nd term of next school year.  But who knows?

Ian has lost a front tooth.  So "construction" continues in his mouth as well.  The one big tooth on the top in the center was really loose also, but he didn't want that pulled at the time.  Too tender.  However, shortly after this picture was taken, Megan pulled out the other top tooth at Ian's request.

During Third Term, Lyndsey was taking basketball lessons along with other Titchie students.  She and her team mates met twice a week for drills, practice, and games.  Last week,  they demonstrated their skills in the gymnasium and played a full court game for their parents and grand parents (us).  The kids normally practiced outside at Titchie Court behind our house and usually played half court games.  Pictured here is Lyndsey ready to toss in the ball to her team mates during the game.  At left is her coach, Ryan Murphy whose wife, Heather, is the head of the Social Studies Department.

Megan also participated in basketball for her grade level during the Third Term.  Her group also performed in the gym after Lyndsey's group.  Here, Megan is just preparing to shoot at the basket during her game.  She made the shot scoring 2 points.  A short time later she made another 2 point shot as well.  Her game as well as Lyndsey's was played on a full size court with regulation height baskets.

Tomorrow there are two soccer games - Girls and Boys - vs. the Alumni.  Plus, my final term grades are due by 8:00 AM.  In the afternoon is the Awards Assembly at which I have to present 3 Awards:
Academic Excellence-one each for ModHistory and Current World Issues (CWI); Social Studies Awards:  1 each for ModHistory and CWI; and the biggie - The History Buff Award given to a Senior who has completed and excelled in the most social studies courses during his/her four years of high school at RVA.  Since I'm the third and final teacher for these two courses, I'm the lucky one to present the honors.

When next I write, I'll be on summer...I mean winter...vacation.  Hey, I understand the Midwest is supposed to be hit with a Polar Vortex next week driving temps down into the 40's at nite and the 60's during the day.  Welcome to our world here at RVA!

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